Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Virtual Tour Plan

Location ActivityGoogle Earth Content
1.Lexington/Concord, MA
In the first activity, I will have the students measure the distance of Paul Revere's ride with the ruler.
I will have them look at the ruler as well as a picture from Wikipedia of the different paths the British and Americans took in the battle.
2. Philadelphia, PA
Students will complete the linked Declaration of Independence Word Search.
I will have them look at a link for the word search, as well as a picture of the Declaration of Independence.
3. Saratoga, NY
Students will read an article about the Battle of Saratoga, considered to be the turning point of the Revolutionary War.
I will have them look at a link for the article, as well as a picture of the battle of Saratoga.
4. Yorktown, VA
Students will read and respond to a short article about the Treaty of Paris which happened at Yorktown.
I will have them look at a link for the article, and type a response to the colonists demands and whether they think they were fair.
Details of image overlay / path / polygon:The thirteen colonies will be highlighted in a polygon so that students can clearly see where the Revolutionary War and colonies were.


The content which will be used in this lesson is from the Utah State Core, under Standard 2, Objective 2--"Evaluate the Revolutionary War's impact on self-rule." Through viewing the key events of the Revolutionary War and where they are actually located, students will be able evaluate the Revolutionary War, and with their knowledge from other lessons, they will be able to evaluate its impact on self-rule. From this activity, students will understand the key events of the Revolutionary War and will have a better picture of where the Revolutionary War was fought.
The pedagogy which will be used is viewing the events and places for themselves. The activities will be self-directed, with the teacher acting as a facilitator and making sure that the students are viewing the articles and doing the activities correctly.
The technology which will be used is Google Earth, as well as some links to the web, and pictures so that students will receive a better understanding of the events of the Revolutionary War. This technology is effective because students from Utah cannot travel to where the events took place, so seeing pictures and seeing the places geographically through Google Earth helps them to realize that the War actually happened and was a defining part of our nation's history.

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