Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Internet Safety Readings

I thought that these articles were really interesting, and they made me feel better about using technology with kids, even with all the bad stuff out there.

1. What article did you choose to read for your fourth article? I chose to read the article entitled "I Have A Question" from the Internet topic tab. I was interested in reading this article because I thought that it would give a more personal answer to the technology question, and I felt that it did--it explained filtering and other important principles of Internet safety in a thorough manner so that I understood exactly how to go about taking those safety precautions.

2. What were the most important things you learned from your readings? I think that I learned that the most that while there are bad things out there, you can take precautions and be safe about the Internet and media use. The articles talked a lot about having open communication--like if something pops up or someone they don't know tries to email them, they tell you about it. I think this is such a great idea! Pornography and other addictions that happen with the media are usually kept personal and private, and so if we keep those communication lines open, they are less likely to occur. I also thought it was interesting that the McKay Today Magazine article pointed out to set a positive example for your children of using technology--to show them how to use it in a good way, and not to model overuse or negative use of the media. For example, watching trashy reality television is probably not setting the best example for children of positive technology use.

3. How will what you read influence your actions as a parent/teacher of children and youth? I think that these articles helped me to see that a lot of times, I don't use technology in the best ways, and children would not glean the best example from me! I waste a lot of time watching TV or on the computer or on Facebook that I could be doing something else. While these are positive things, I need to realize now that I should be setting a positive example of technology and media use. I also think that something I learned that I can use particularly as a teacher is to raise awareness about positive technology use, and to speak out against the negative use of the media and technology.

4. How can you use what you have learned from your reading to have a positive influence on family and friends? I think that I can help my friends to be aware of the dangers of the media, and just to speak up about these dangers and issues. I also can set a positive example for them by using the media and technology in a positive manner--not to waste time--and so that they will see that technology should be used for good and not for all the bad things there are out there.

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